Board Development Programs


Is your board of directors an energetic, enthused, harmonious group, committed to the mission of your organization, knowledgeable about and able to help your organization’s fundraising efforts?

You might ask yourself the following questions:

1. What percentage of the board makes a meaningful financial commitment to the organization on an annual basis?

2. What percentage of the board has made a planned gift to the organization?

3. What percentage of the board attends events held by the organization?

4. What percentage of the board helps identify potential donors to the organization.

5. The board understands that each member has a sphere of influence that can be helpful to the organization, and members are willing to promote the organization within their own sphere of influence?

If your board didn’t score well, you may be interested in my Board Development Program.


Building an effective board of directors is the cornerstone of any successful nonprofit organization. Your board must know your organization, its mission, its vision and values, and must understand their role in the organization to be effective. Let me help you build your board of directors into an asset for your organization.

I can help with:

Ø Board Analysis and Tailored Recruitment Programs

Ø Board Training

Ø Review or Creation of Board Position Descriptions

Ø Full Day Retreats, Virtual or In Person

Ø Half Day Workshops, Virtual or In Person

Ø Planning and Strategy Sessions

Your Board will:

Ø Better understand their role in fundraising

Ø Maximize their linkages 

Ø Develop and implement a realistic strategic plan and assist with the creation of a fundraising plan

Schedule a call now